What the world needs now..
is love sweet love.
We all strive to do the right thing….to do GOOD. As a parent of two daughters in their twenties, my main objective in raising them was for them to be GOOD people and have GOOD hearts. Through GOOD examples and yes, unfortunately sometimes humbling
bad examples, I believe I have succeeded. In their daily lives, my daughters display a kindness and generosity beyond their years. It is no surprise they have both chosen professions that help others and the world; environmental science and medicine.
We all know that despite our best intentions, GOODNESS sometimes falls by the wayside. LET’S BRING IT BACK TOGETHER!!!
I have pledged to not only do GOOD but to recognize the GOOD in others even if it’s something as simple as holding the door.I wanted to think of a way to recognize GOODNESS in others. I heard the expression “Be A Light” one day and thought it was the perfect expression to describe random acts of GOODNESS….Be A Light bracelets were born!
I wanted to start by buying 99 bracelets and pass them out to those I catch being GOOD with hopes that they will in turn pass the love along at 99Bracelets.com.
I immediately knew who I was going to give my first bracelet to- a very kind bank teller. Please read the story on my blog.
My hope is we all open our eyes to the GOODNESS around us and recognize it by sharing the love with BE A LIGHT bracelets. Lets bring GOODNESS to the forefront where it belongs-multiply GOODNESS and change our world one GOOD at a time.
Please share your GOODNESS stories on the blog.
My hope is to share these messages and bracelets around the world and BE A LIGHT to all.
Continually trying to be a light,
Sunday and daughters
be a light

Want to do good?
Email Us about information about our BANDbassador program to share goodness in your city/state.
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